Book Bus Tickets using Jiomoney wallet and get upto 10% off (Max Rs. 200/-) direct discount

eTravelSmart with Jiomoney
Book bus tickets using Jiomoney wallet

Book Bus Tickets using Jiomoney wallet and eTravelSmart

eTravelSmart online bus ticket booking portal is happy to introduce jioMoney wallet payment option to all bus booking customers across India.With jioMoney, customers can use the balance in their mobile wallet to book bus tickets. jioMoney made the payment option easy by just validating the OTP while booking the bus ticket.Refund happens within 3 to 5 working days upon ticket cancellation.

Jiomoney wallet is here on

Pay with Jiomoney wallet on and get a new offer every time!

The Coupon Code : ETSNEXT

Offer Valid Till : 30th September  2016

How to avail the offer ?

  • Search bus on
  • Select bus of your choice and proceed to booking.
  • Enter coupon code: ETSNEXT on checkout page to get upto 10% discount(up to Rs. 200).
  • Select Jiomoney wallet as payment option and click on proceed to payment.
  • Enjoy booking and happy traveling.

What is Jio Money?

Jio money is an e-wallet application launched by Reliance Jio. It can be used for paying bills like electricity, gas, DTH, phone etc.

How do I access Jio Money?

Just click on ‘Pay at Shop’, select the By Phone Number€ tab, enter the following details – merchant mobile number, the amount to be paid, message (optional) – and press send. You can view the details of your recent transactions by logging in to your account on or through the JioMoney app.

Is my money safe if I lose my phone?

Even if you lose your phone, your money is 100% safe. Nobody can access your JioMoney account, since only you can do so through your password and 4-digit mPIN. JioMoney locks your account for your own safety after 3 consecutive incorrect mPIN attempts.

Does the money loaded into JioMoney have an expiry period?

No, there is no expiry period for the money in your JioMoney account for now.


eTravelSmart is a smart and intuitive online bus ticket booking portal, offering online bus ticket reservation services across India. 80,000+ famous bus routes and 3000+ bus operator are associated with us in serving people to reach their destinations with utmost comfort and safety. Our "Smart" technology helps passengers book bus tickets online among all famous destinations across India with just few simple clicks. Passengers are able to find a wide range of "Smart filters" which enable them choose "Bus operators, Type of Bus (A/C, Non A/C, and Volvo), Ticket Fares, Boarding Points, Dropping Points, etc". Special features like Block My Seat, Travel Insurance, Travel Recharge, Name on Seat, Seat Availability Calendar, Google Maps, Destination City Information, and many other unique features enable our customers to have a unified & redefined online bus booking experience. Our "Friendly" Customer Support team is always a step ahead in attending & resolving customer matters/issues with atmost speed & quality. Secure payment system with various payment options helps safe and secure payment transactions, while booking bus tickets. Transparent cancellation policy is added advantages for convenient bus tickets booking at eTravelSmart. Be a part of eTravelSmart family and enjoy an amazing Online Bus Booking experience.